What is Bracketing in Photography?


In photography, bracketing is the general technique of taking several shots of the same subject using different camera settings. Bracketing is useful and often recommended in situations that make it difficult to obtain satisfactory image with a single shots,
Autobracketing is a feature of many modern cameras, it automatically take several bracketed shots, rather than the photographer altering the settings by hand between each shot. which in the given time gives multiple shots, used for static subjects.

Types of bracketing 

  • Exposure bracketing- is a simple technique, professional photographers use to ensure their properly expose pictures, especially in challenging lighting situations.its a technique where instead  of taking a single photo, you take three or more photos where one photo is correctly exposed one is slightly underexposed, and one slightly overexposed. Images produced using exposure bracketing are often combined in postprocessing to create a high dynamic range that exposes different portions of the image by different amounts
    • Auto exposure bracketing(AEB)- many digital cameras includes AEB option and when it is selected, the camera automatically takes three or more shots each at a different exposure.

  • Flash bracketing- it is a technique of working with electronic flash, especially when used as fill flash in combination with existing light, mainting the overall amount of exposure. 

  • Depth of field bracketing-  bracketing comprises taking a series of pictures in stepped apertures, while maintaining the exposures, either by counter-shifting the shutter speede, with digital cameras, adapting the ISO speed accordingly. In the first case, it will also change the amount of motion blur in the picture. in the second case, it may visibly affect image noise and contrast.

  • Focus bracketing- it is useful in situations with limited depth of field, such as Macro photography, where one may want to make a series of exposures with different positions of the focal plane and then choose the one in which the largest portion of the subject is in focus, or combine the in- focus portions of multiple exposures digitally.

  • White balance bracketing- which provides a way of dealing with mixed lighting by shooting several images with different white point settings. so, it is particularly useful for reviewing different white balance settings in the feild.

  • ISO bracketing-it is form of simulated exposure bracketing in which aperture and shutter speed remain constant. the brightness levels in this case are only altered by increasing or decreasing gain, or amplificationof the digital signal prior to the conversion to an image file such as JPEG.


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